FitMoney is a nonprofit that makes K-12 financial literacy free and accessible for all. While they have an incredible mission, FitMoney struggled to identify their brand positioning and tell their story on social media.
Business Goals
Build brand awareness through a stellar website, email and social media messaging.
Accelerate donations on an individual and corporate level.
Issue at least 500 financial literacy certificates within six months.
Bring the FitMoney curriculum to 1,000+ public schools in the United States.
Develop a Brand Roadmap to articulate FitMoney’s mission, follower persona, brand voice and key messaging.
Create a donor pitch deck that underscores the value of accessible financial literacy education.
Build a social media strategy that reinforces FitMoney’s value while educating its audience on financial literacy.
Helped form the $upersquad, a group of college students who share videos for FitMoney’s Instagram and TikTok about the importance of being financially fit.
Grew total social media audience by 10% and increased multi-channel engagement by 59%
Tripled Instagram output, increased monthly impressions by 86%, shares by 168%, and Stories traffic by 134% to grow audience by 30% YOY
800 financial literacy certificates issued to students across the United States during the six-month-long engagement.
Helped secure a four-star Common Sense rating for FitMoney.
Ideated articles for syndication in major publications.